Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Basics steps for beginners

You are wondering how to learn to play the guitar; you can easily pick up this instrument with some basic steps. Please understand that to become an expert will take time but with the following steps.
  • You can't Buy Skill - Don't get caught up in having the best or most expensive guitar. No matter how much you spend you will still need to practice to become proficient. A more expensive amp for example will not improve your sound if you don't know how to play to begin with.
  • Check your Action: Ensure the distance between the fingerboard and the underside of the string is appropriate for your fingers. Any reputable guitar shop will assist in this.
  • Keep It Simple Silly. Start with basic chords. Save the more complex chords for later. If you try and get too complicated to fast you will get frustrated and quit. There are many great songs that are comprised of simple chords.
  • Rhythm is Key: To have a consistent flow you need to keep the beat in the beginning, use a metronome or even your foot to keep pace.
  • Simple Songs - To keep from getting frustrated and to build your confidence limit yourself to 2 chord songs, as you become more proficient then you can work your way up to more difficult pieces.

By utilizing these 5 basic steps you will discover how to learn to play the guitar quickly and with far less frustration than without. The guitar is a fun to play and with a little patience you will master this melodic instrument in no time.


Sidharth said...


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